Monday, August 22, 2005

Sunday Nite Blues...

Sunday night. Last few hours of my 72 hour pass. Lulu gets home in the morning and heads straight for work (good thing she doesn't have to travel too far from airport) so I don't see her until Monday night.

Its true. Absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder. I believe too, I can appreciate her more for it.

So what have I done in during my free weekend? I made bread. I gymed. I ate some suspect olives that didn't agree with me. Went to the park to relax. Caught up with Cindy. Did some reiki. Did the ironing. Cleaned the room. Burnt some incense. Killed a nasty spider.

See. When the cat's away, the mice don't always come out to play!

Oh.. and I also blogged.. but i think you gathered that one already :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And kneaded some baps... oh I'm so childish... hehehehe... *runs away*:P

Yes I'm full of "Carry On" Brit humour today...