Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How to make rubber.

Forget the rubber tree. I've discovered a new way to make rubber... but wait it gets better... it's eatable too!!

6:00am... its dark.. its cold.. and my alarm goes off.
6:15am... I muster the energy to get up.
6:17am... Rolled oats + protein suppliment + milk + microwave = breakfast
6:22am... Ding... 5mins in the microwave. I pull out my breakfast. There's a big white blob in it.
6:22,50am... Realisation. Enlightenment. Call it what you will. I realise the protein has solidified into a rubber white mass...
6:23am... that tastes like shit. But then again most protein supplements do.


Anonymous said...


Steph said...

In good "Nelson" fashion "Ha Ha!"