Saturday, February 12, 2005

Lulu's favourite Venetian Memory.

Lulu loves to laugh.
Often at me.
I think its funnier for her when its about me.
Its seems to be quite habitual for Lulu actually.

Her latest was in Venice, ITALY, when I approached a group of 5 or so costumed people and asked if I could take their picture.

They allowed me.
I thanked them.
I said Merci.

Astute readers, and seasoned travellers will notice the flaw, the error, the faux pas.

Merci is French, not Italian.

Realising my mistake, Lulu took it well in her stride and burst out laughing and pointed out my mistake.

By this time the 5 strong troupe too were laughing at me.

I apologied quickly and corrected my mistake by doing it in Italian. It ofcourse was already too late.

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