Sunday, December 19, 2004
Two words!! How in the world did she know that!
Women... A constant source of amazement....
Saturday, December 18, 2004
The Procrastinator's Handbook
Queer Eye Optional...
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Banana Bread
- Don't forget to add the yeast - its best to add the yeast before you add the water and the first kneading of the bread.
- Too much water is bad and makes the dough sticky - I added the correct amount of water, actually it was milk and water but I also added 2 eggs. What I should have done was reduce the amount of water used.
- Add the bananas at the start - its easier to add mashed bananas at the start than kneading it in later.
- Most importantly that non-stick bread tin is NOT non-stick
- Cleaning the oven from overflow from the rising dough in the bread tin is a pain in the arse.

B & B - Bruge and Brussels
Brussels, part brrrr when its -1 or -3 degrees, and part mussels. After Bruge, Brussels is not as pretty by far and reminded me of parts of inner city Sydney - Redfern. They do have wonderful waffles, chocolates (much more expensive than Bruge too) and mussels. If you like beer they have many fine ones to choose from. Kriek is a cherry beer with about 5% alcohol. Its sweet. If you like Ribena then try the rasberry beer. At 2.5% you can't taste the alcohol and is extremely easy to drink. I drank more beer than Lulu. Gotta find a rasberry beer supply in Sydney when I get home !!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
London weather in Sydney
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Birthday Dinner
I remember the Coffee Festivals back in Sydney. Crowds of people tasting the finest coffee the world has to offer. $1 a cup and being high on caffine. Those were joyous days oh so long ago. On year we lined up for free milk samples. Everyone got small half litre bottles. Somehow I got a full litre, somebody apparently thought a person of my age requires the extra calcium....
Another year I got there before all my friends and got a free sample bag. When the others came along I got them sample bags too. Everyone got sample lipstick, ground coffee and vouchors. I got ground coffee, vouchours and "Nightly Eye Cream".
Shopping through Harvey Nichols I walk up to a counter of hair gels, creams, etc. The sales girl offers me some free samples that I just couldn't refuse. I did refuse but she gave them to me anyway, she was quite insistant. On walking past a mirror I realised why she insisted. Dry skin, flaky skin, old and wrinkley.
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Narelle, my former college at AMPCO, used to call me "metrosexual" I certainly wasn't on that day. Before I met Lulu I hardly ever moisturised.
These days at my peak (which I confess i'm over) my nightly beauty regime far exceeded that of Lulu's and stood at about 5 steps.
I hope I look this good when I'm sixty-four....
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Latest cooking successes.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Property Property Property!!
Other shows have people relocating to Europe from the UK mostly for the lifestyle... and the sunshine (something that doesn't really happen here in London: 3 days/year compared to 300 days/year in Sydney). Admittantly the people doing it are usually of retiring age but some are younger going to some tropical island. I wouldn't mind a European holiday house/investment property somewhere in France or Spain. $UK80-$UK90,000 could do it. Then again thats money I don't have.
Dream on Denzil, dream on.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
More stress than a fighter pilot!!
Latest research shows that people catching the Tube (London's train network) have more stress than combat fighter pilots and policemen in riot conditions. Much of the stress is due to the sardine like conditions and delays often experienced by commuters. Most people waste about 5 years travelling on the Tube and go into a zombie like state. Experts suggests doing something constructive like reading a book or magazine instead of zoning out and listening to music.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Hair Mood: BAD
Sorry no photos.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Bread Epilogue
Still have a long way to go to become the baker to Kings.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Denzil made dinner!
Second attempt... we have BREAD!
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Bare ingredients. Flour, yeast, salt, and oil. | The dough after kneading. | ||
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The dough after kneading and letting it rise twice. | The finished bread and buns. |
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Emergency Nissan Noodle Stash...
Hours later I was sitting at home with a bag full of noodles and Char Sew! Yummy!! And in a clash of cultures I made up a pot of pasta (pasta/noodles its all the same) with sauce stirred through and topped with char sew...
There's only one thing left to say... burp.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
One strange call...
The lady on the other end distinctly had an Indian accent and could speak prefectly good English. Perhaps I was still too sleepy to take the call or the line wasn't very good because we had a bit of trouble understanding each other properly. She ended up saying that she would send me details of the job via email.
I distinctly remember one of the questions... "WHAT'S YOUR RELOCATION STATUS?"... I did not quite get the name of the place the job was located but she repeated that question a lot. Why do I get the feeling the job is actually in INDIA???
Checking my email my resume was matched against an urgently required position for a company called Rishi InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Going to their website stays they are located in India. Surprise!!!
Well I have seen Bend It Like Beckham and there was that Indian movie from the London Film Festival. Don't think that qualifies me to understand the finer points of Indian culture though...
Wonder if Lulu would like to relocate....
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Denzil Jones's Diary.
It can only be the 7:15pm Monday screening of Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason. Lulu loved it ofcourse. There's something about the the Bridget Jones movies that all girls connect with in the way that Starwars and Star Trek connect with all boys.
I thought it was a good sequel to the original but not as funny and did conclude the story well. At the end of the first movie Bridget is with Darcy and this is where the sequel starts from. I do think that perhaps Bridget/Darcy are ill matched though. She is hopelessly ill equiped to parade herself in the same circles that Darcy is used to. My opinion only, and opposites do attract.
[Question] How to you get a room full of women to stop talking?
[Answer] Start playing Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason.
I did think it funny that a room full of women is NOT as loud as any chinese restaurant during yum cha (dim sum as they call it in London).
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Everyone is Bridget Jones Crazy
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Holograms at Home
Home of Liti holo
What Lulu wants...
She wants me to ask Kathleen if that would be ok.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Sainsbury Supermarket
Pearl: Hiya! How are you today?
Denzil: Not to bad.
Pearl: Day off is it?
Denzil: No... unemployed... been unemployed for a while now...
Pearl: Go down to the local Job Centre and you might be able to get a job a Sainsbury. But keep looking, and don't let it get you down.
I wouldn't mind chatting but Pearl stopped scanning my few items after the first one, and somebody came up and queued behind me. Seeing that Pearl had stopped scanning, the other customer was getting abit irritated.
Hurrying away when I had finished paying for everything, a little girl in pink was sitting in the 'seat' of a shopping trolley. I was thinking what a nice little girl until she stuck her tongue out at me and blew a raspberry at me!!!
Still I couldn't help but walk away laughing. I just find it funny how different people react different to the same person.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Harrods Christmas Parade
Emergency Nissan Noodle Rations...
... the aroma of fresh instant noodles soon permiates the flat ... a few moments while not watching the pot of noodles as it cooks meant that it almost overflowed twice, and then with much (youthful) vigour I loose half the included packet of seaseme oil in a spray all over the stove top.
For fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation - "Perhaps today is NOT a good day to make pasta".
[Nissan Noodles - a brand of instant noodles that Denzil grew up on and is considered to be the best by many Chinese]
Friday, November 05, 2004
Ambitious Cooking
Two problems: 1) I just got back from the supermarket with bread making flour - not the sort to use for pasta. 2) I dont have a pasta making machine to cut the flour dough.
I wonder how the pasta would taste with self-raising or bread flour. I remember a documentry on traditional noodle making in Japan. I still remember the theory.. can I put it into practice.
Come to think of if, Steph did send me some pictures of the noodles he made. Wish I could have tried them.
Free Reiki Training!
It just so happens that the Reiki Secrets website also has the links to spoon/fork bending. Not sure if this helps to legitimise the site or turns it more into a side show attraction... The choice is left to the student as homework....
Bending forks...
People who know me know that I used to do magic. Infact I have bit of a library of book and videos on the subject. One thing I never learnt was how to bend forks properly. This website aims to teach you how to do it with your mind! No magic trickery required!
You can find other links on fork bending here if your interested.
Its strange the things you find when you go looking up reiki on the net!
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Moved old blog
Still haven't figured out what to do with the photo archives yet. Its annoying me no end actually.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Denzil can cook #3
Saturday, October 30, 2004
After they left Lulu and I went to Harrods to check out their Christmas section. Its like a Christmas Winter Wonderland in there as you can see below. Got the most amazing selection of decorations that I wish I could take back to Oz in December.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Whats happening to me?!?!?
I happen to have a trial/demo copy of it somewhere on my hdd.
Do wish the gods that be stop sending me compulsion and laughing at me... :(
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Lulu cracks me up....
Me, personally would rather watch tv than read the street directory... better yet I'd prefer working on my short sightedness and surf the net on my laptop.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Denzil can cook #2
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Denzil can cook!!
For those that don't know, reiki works on a person's chi (also called ki or prana). In this way it is very similar acupuncture, ie it works on the energy system of the body. A person after receiving reiki typically feels relaxed and de-stressed. If you're interested you can find more information at
Friday, October 08, 2004
Thursday, October 07, 2004
the first recorded instance of this involved a golf club and the back of my head.... that was just the start of my woes... other such recorded events include a telephone and my head, a kitchen cupboard and my elbow, and just this morning her fist and my jaw....
apparently she remembers none of these events...
In other news... I don't believe I was totally prepared to survive in 'ol London-town. Old grannies push me out of the way when I try and board trains here.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Good 'ol Aussie TV
In England you need to buy a license to watch tv... 121 pounds to be exact. That gets you the right to have several colour tv's at the registered premise. They even have license inspectors who drive around trying to catch people out.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Working from home
Doing it now... ok.. after I get some lunch... [9/9/2004 Ammendment] If I was smarter/wiser I would have burnt the cds before eating. Why? Because theres no chance of dropping food on the laptop. Fortunately tho that didnt actually happen.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Government Efficiency
I'm sure I said this before in a previous entry, but London (and europe) is old and coming from Australia can be bit of a shock. Much of the infrastructure and culture is also old. ATM's for example is much slower than back home in OZ.
One thing that doesn't seem to change is government inefficiency... I refer to the NI number entry down below.
Their charm tends to wear off after watching several go by because they are packed full and the conductor only lets one person to board.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Death of old blog
My isp (AOL) ofcourse offers free hosting up to 120megs. But alas dear friends they have a technical limitation which means I can not upload my photo galleries. :( So until I decide what to do there will be no more photo uploads!
I knew going with AOL as my isp would come back to haunt me! I'll probably just end up using imagestation. The best part about imagestation is that there is no limit to the amount of space you can use, and friend's can even order prints online.
Considering how much space I use up there (I upload FULL size originals), I can't help but wonder how profitable they really are.
A worthy mention.
I feel somewhat legitimised now. Most homepages probably go unnoticed by the wider virtual community. This site got a mention on Andrew and Kathleen's blog.
Its kinda nice to be linked to from another site even if its only a friend's site. Ironically this happened roughly around the same time that Ben my 'ol hosting service stopped.
Lulu quite rightly stopped me from flattering Andrew/Kathleen's website.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Swinging retro London
In some weird twist of fate or something but the cheap clock radio that we got from Argos only receives 1 radio station properly and it seems to play way to much 80's music. I always believed the British music industry was bigger than Australia's and with so much talent going through there was little room for the older stuff. Its good to know the decade that I did most of my growing up still lives on... and thats not even mentioning the revival of 80's fashion, but thats an entry for perhaps another day :)
Physics in London.
Except in London.
I have a balanced physics / maths equation for this: Rain = Water = London Tube system shuts down.
On Supermarkets and Museums.
Support the Home Team #2
For example the English favourite hello is "Hi ya!" and instead of saying "eigth-thirty" for the time they would say "half-eight".
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
NI Number Woes
I spent a morning trying to find a phone number to call to make a booking for an NI interview. Got the round-around so much I tried the net. The website was broken. I found the local office who gave me the correct office to go to and 3 phone numbers to make an appointment and was told they never answer so just turn up with the appropriate documentation.
We turn up. We do need to make an appointment. They give us a 4th phone number. argghhh!!!
Atleast this number is correct and we're able to make an appointment. Apparently they ask questions like "when you arrived in England how did you get home and did you stop on the way". Maybe it really is relevant given all the extra security for terrorism, but I don't exactly see how. Any self respecting terrorist would lie anyway.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Head shearing
Lulu was impressed that I sussed out the barber and found out that he has been doing this for 11 years. Its good to know you have entrusted your hair to somebody with skill and experience after all! Why then do I feel like that cartoon cat that pops out of the washing machine as a big fur ball and floats away?!?!
Monday, August 02, 2004
City Pages
Like me adding more "Did you knows" (which I do have a few more to add), if only I could be arsed to actually do it now...
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Wind in the Willows
The production was great and we had an entertaining few hours. Pictures will be posted soon.
Queer Eye for a Straight Guy lovers may remember an episode where a country styled boy proposed to his Armenian girlfriend. The Fab-5 took the country boy to a chocolate shop called Du Chocolat. Today we found a shop of same name in London, but I don't think its related to anything. When you walk into the shop your senses are hit by the fragrant smell of chocolate. Its more than enough to make your mouth water.
Friday, July 30, 2004
Big Brother addiction
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Denzil on sharing
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Monday, July 26, 2004
Support the home team.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Saturday, July 24, 2004
The beach itself is not much like the ones at home. For a start their is little/no sand, its actually a pebble beach. Its not so bad to sit or lie upon, infact its was rather nice doing so.
People from Sydney who remember Pier One just to the left of the Sydney Harbour Bridge (south side) will be delighted to know that the piers at Brighton are full of amusements, and rides.
For the shop-a-holics out there, the place is full of little lanes and alley ways where you can find the most interesting nic-nacks or the latest fashions. Needless to say Lulu couldn't get enough of it!
After much bagging of the English weather, especially how the sun has no strength like back home in Oz, we got home burnt. Our faces have raccoon eyes now :(
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Prague (18/7/2004 - 20/7/2004)
Prague Castle would have to be my favourite. Baroque buildings surround lovely squares and fountains. The grounds are even large enough to house a cathedral.
The only other place I really wanted to see was the old Jewish Cemetry. Unfortunately photos were not really allowed (it didn't stop some people though).
Lulu's favourite quote from Denzil is "Oh no I've only 300 photos left on my digital camera, is that enough?!?!?"
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Freezing in 31 degrees
Monday, June 07, 2004
London Tube
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Kew Gardens
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Bank Holiday Weekend
Its a bank holiday... long weekend! Went south-east of London to Canterbury on Saturday(Archbishop of Canterbury, and Canterbury Tales). Pictures haven't been uploaded yet. Saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Monday.. We enjoyed it totally.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Clapham Common.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Topdeck Tour!
We had more fun than we could poke a stick at touring Europe with Topdeck and would heartly recommend it to anyone over Contiki anyday.
Paris, Venice and Rome would have to be amongst my favourites. Seeing, touching and walking amongst so much history is truely amazing. If your in Rome you must do the Vatican Museums and the Roman Forums which is conveniently right next to the Colliseum.