Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Death of old blog

The old website (http://www.shortboy.net/~dwagn) is dead. That website was hosted on a friend's account that he was paying for. Thank you so much Ben for allowing me to host this site there. It was good while it lasted.

My isp (AOL) ofcourse offers free hosting up to 120megs. But alas dear friends they have a technical limitation which means I can not upload my photo galleries. :( So until I decide what to do there will be no more photo uploads!

I knew going with AOL as my isp would come back to haunt me! I'll probably just end up using imagestation. The best part about imagestation is that there is no limit to the amount of space you can use, and friend's can even order prints online.

Considering how much space I use up there (I upload FULL size originals), I can't help but wonder how profitable they really are.