Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Denzil Jones's Diary.

A cinema full of people, 6 men (5 straight and 1 possible gay) and the rest women....

It can only be the 7:15pm Monday screening of Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason. Lulu loved it ofcourse. There's something about the the Bridget Jones movies that all girls connect with in the way that Starwars and Star Trek connect with all boys.

I thought it was a good sequel to the original but not as funny and did conclude the story well. At the end of the first movie Bridget is with Darcy and this is where the sequel starts from. I do think that perhaps Bridget/Darcy are ill matched though. She is hopelessly ill equiped to parade herself in the same circles that Darcy is used to. My opinion only, and opposites do attract.

[Question] How to you get a room full of women to stop talking?
[Answer] Start playing Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason.

I did think it funny that a room full of women is NOT as loud as any chinese restaurant during yum cha (dim sum as they call it in London).

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