Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Rules of Acquisition.

I could have easily used the title "Rules of Engagement" but it have made several hearts jump with meaning that.. well.. I won't go into that...

My cousin in Vancouver recently emailed me. There's a special on where a Canon 300D kit (camera + lens + battery grip) is $CDN1099. This works out to be about 470 pounds. Local price is around 799 pounds. For those mathematically challenged thats around half price. Not a bad deal at all.

I want this camera.

Well, more correctly I wanted that camera. Since a new model - the Canon 20D - came out, and after playing with it (my Canadian cousin coincidently has one) I want, read need, that model more. As good and tempting as that price is, I would rather the 20D.

The problem?


Umm.. I better re-phrase that.

Lulu has my best interests at heart and laid down the Rules of Acquisition out as follows:
  1. I need to find a job first
  2. Use the camera to generate income
Fair enough I suppose. In a last line of defense: She's my girlfriend, not my wife!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need the camera like you need a fizzy drink?