Tuesday, January 25, 2005

On Burrrrppps...

In conclusion to the question posed in this blog entry about me burping, I now have the answer. It came to me in a moment of inspiration while talking to a mate of mine online:

Mate: I now have 3 more sga (for the uninitialed thats Stargate: Atlantis) eps to go.
Denzil: :) Have you finished getting the stargate secrets show yet?
Mate: Hi Lu

Perhaps I type with a distinctive feminene touch. Or perhaps... oh heck, I don't know why he suddenly thought I was Lulu, but it seems obvious to me that before I was a bloke I was Lulu.


Anonymous said...

It's ok Denzil, we all stuggle with our masculinity from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Men only work towards one goal at a time. You didnt provide closure for the first goal. You should have started your conversation with

"Thats Cool mate"

By asking for another goal, confuses the bloke who assumes that a girl must be on the other end.

Think of a dog, when it is fetching the thrown stick, you encourage it to return to you then when it does you give it a big fanfare. Then you chuck the stick out again, and it will happily go and fetch for the same feedback.