Friday, April 20, 2007

Good use of Tax Payers Money

In the UK people who own a TV pay a license fee to support the BBC. Its a user pays system.

In Australia everyone helps to support the ABC via a portion of their taxes.

I wonder if the Australia population knows that their tax goes to support such programs as:

Grossology: Fartzilla
Friday 20/4/07. 5:30pm - 6:00pm
A villain makes everyone in town fart and then gathers all the gas to fuel a giant robot called Fartzilla.

I'm watching it now... . Its rather funny in a gaseous kinda way. hahaha

Behold the might of Fartzilla:

And the mighty heroes who can hold their breathes:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We know your a bit of a fart-o-potomous