I did it again! I tried making bread. I think my biggest problem is that I have no real way of weighing very small quantities like 5grams of salt or 7 grams of yeast. So invariably I'll put way too much salt and end up with salt lick! arggh!!
Probably didn't help that I added abit too much water and had to add some more flour too. I suspect the little bit of gluten flour I used also made the bread not as soft and white. Oh well. Lessons learnt for next time.
I think my salt bread will be good with bland soups, or curries. hahaa
Tags: bread
I find not using salt at all the best thing to do and just use my imagination. Heck, forget the flour as well...mmmm yeasty water...mmmmm...
Now if I were the kind to be into Sea Monkeys (and I am) I'd use that yummy tasty yeasty water to feed my Invincible Tenticled Army of Sea Monkeys (with the head mounted friggen laser optional attachment) to take over the friggen world!!!
You need learn that a pinch is a pinch, and a hand full is a hand full...
Don't try and weigh the salt...
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